Bruce Heins
Although Bruce is all about technology, he believes face-to-face is the best way to successfully engage with clients. Bruce’s motto is “seek to understand” which he practices by initiating every project with a conversation – you will have questions, he will have questions and at the end of the conversation not only will be there be a clear path forward but a feeling you just made a new friend.
Latest hobby: golf, it’s always been golf
Fun fact: Bruce is all about his shoes
Guilty pleasure: a pint of Ben and Jerrys
Phone: (610) 496-3688
Latest hobby: golf, it’s always been golf
Fun fact: Bruce is all about his shoes
Guilty pleasure: a pint of Ben and Jerrys
Phone: (610) 496-3688

Kim Heins
Vice President
Kim is your go-to-person for product information, sample requests, project status and pricing. Kim has taken a new role of the Heins Marketing Social Media Coordinator. Follow us on @Heins_Marketing to see what’s new, great installations, industry trends and find a little inspiration along the way.
Latest hobby: Hand Bell Choir
Favorite vacation spot: Walt Disney World
Guilty pleasure: Historical dramas
Phone: (610) 609-1566
Latest hobby: Hand Bell Choir
Favorite vacation spot: Walt Disney World
Guilty pleasure: Historical dramas
Phone: (610) 609-1566